The International Euro-Asian Congress on Bioethics, Molecular and Personalized Medicine "Biomed-inn-2019" will be held in Perm (Russian Federation) on 05-08 November, 2019.
President of the Congress: Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Russian Committee on Bioethics at the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, Vice-President of the Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee UNESCO, Professor Alexander Grigorevich Chuchalin.
Working languages of the Congress are English and Russian.
Organizer : Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Perm State Medical University named after Academician E.A. Wagner" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
The rector is Doctor of Medical Science, professor Koryukina Irina Petrovna.
The main scientific directions of the Congress:
1. Patient-doctor interaction.
2. The development and deployment of artificial intelligence in the diagnostic process and monitoring of patients’ condition with severe chronic diseases that determine life expectancy.
3. The improvement of the principles of carrying out clinical tests of medicines and their practical application.
4. Modern methods of medicinal therapy.
5. Innovations and new methods in medicine: optimization of the way of implementation into practice.
6. Instrumental diagnostics and robotics.
7. Information technologies and telemedicine.
8. Artificial intelligence and society (implementation of biochips and artificial organs of human body).
9. Education and medicine in the XXI century: features of teaching in a foreign language.
10. The issues of intercultural communication.
11. Evidence based medicine.
12. Motherhood, childhood and extracorporeal technology.
13. HIV-infection, Tuberculosis and other danger infections.
14. Alcoholic disease, narcotics and questions of hereditary diseases.
15. Issues of transplantology and cell technologies.
Within the framework of the Congress there will be conferences:
November 5-6, 2019 Scientific-practical conference "Actual issues of respiratory medicine, allergology and immunology in the Perm region"
November 5-7, 2019 Scientific-practical conference "Issues of bioethics, molecular and personalized medicine in therapeutic practice"