Please, contact us from 9:00 to 18:00
About the Congress

The International Euro-Asian Congress on Bioethics, Molecular and Personalized Medicine "Biomed-inn-2019" will be held in Perm (Russian Federation)  on  05-08  November, 2019.
President of the Congress: Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Russian Committee on Bioethics at the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, Vice-President of the Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee UNESCO, Professor Alexander Grigorevich Chuchalin.

Working languages of the Congress are English and Russian.

Organizer :  Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Perm State Medical University named after Academician E.A. Wagner" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
The rector is Doctor of Medical Science, professor Koryukina Irina Petrovna.

The main scientific directions of the Congress:
1. Patient-doctor interaction.
2. The development and deployment  of artificial intelligence in the  diagnostic process and monitoring of patients’ condition  with severe chronic diseases that determine life expectancy.
3. The improvement of the principles of carrying out clinical tests of medicines and their practical application.
4. Modern methods of medicinal therapy.
5. Innovations and new methods in medicine: optimization of the way of implementation into practice.
6. Instrumental diagnostics and robotics.
7. Information  technologies and telemedicine.
8. Artificial intelligence and society (implementation of biochips and artificial organs of human body).
9. Education and medicine in the XXI century: features of teaching in a foreign language.
10. The issues of intercultural communication.
11. Evidence based medicine.
12. Motherhood, childhood and extracorporeal technology.
13. HIV-infection, Tuberculosis and other danger infections.
14. Alcoholic disease, narcotics and questions of hereditary diseases.

15. Issues of transplantology and cell technologies.

Within the framework of the Congress there will be conferences:

November 5-6, 2019 Scientific-practical conference "Actual issues of respiratory medicine, allergology and immunology in the Perm region"

November 5-7, 2019 Scientific-practical conference "Issues of bioethics, molecular and personalized medicine in therapeutic practice"

What is Bioethics?

Bioethics is a field of knowledge, principles of behavior and rules that determine the relationship between people, as well as the harmonious development of society in the era of global informatization, the development of genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence. This is the basis for human participation in technological development, which determines the speed of change in society.

In a broad sense, the term bioethics refers to the study of social, environmental, medical and socio-legal problems concerning  not only to humans, but also to any living organisms included in the ecosystems surrounding humans. In this sense, bioethics evaluates the results of the development of new technologies and ideas in medicine and biology in general.

Bioethics has medical, psycho-social, technological, innovative significance for the development of society. The principles of bioethics create the conditions for technological development and the introduction of new technologies in all areas of human life. The development of Bioethics provides for the creation and development of institutions for the organization of biomedical research, public relations, intercultural communication and education. Modern Bioethics is characterized by the creation of technological development infrastructure and conditions for introducing new technologies into practice.

The congress  of  Bioethics is held annually in different countries of the world. This year it was decided to hold Congress in Russia, in the Perm city.

Participation in the congress

The following are invited to Congress:

Doctors, teachers, psychologists, philologists, social workers, scientists, students, postgraduate students, residents, businessmen, pharmaceutical companies, manufacturing enterprises, public patient organizations, professional associations, telecommunications companies, the media, representatives of various specialties from India, Vietnam, China, South Korea, North Korea, Egypt, Morocco, Sudan, Nigeria, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, Belarus, USA, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Israel and other countries.

Time Before the Congress...
05.11.2019 00:07
The action is over!
Dear Guests of our beautiful city of Perm !
Accommodation , Hotel Information

We do our best for your comfort in Perm during the days of Congress from 4 to 8 of November. For the convenience of accommodation during the Congress period from November 4 to November 8, 2019 our partners - Hotels located in the center of Perm make you a special offer for accommodation (from 10 to 20% discount). Remember to call your password "BIOETHICS".


Hotel “Amax-Premiere”

Corporate Account Manager Maria Kazarets

Password "BIOETHICS"


Hotel “Ural”

Corporate Account Manager Natalya Nesterova

Password "BIOETHICS"
Excursions in Perm and Perm region

During the Congress, we are happy to introduce you to the main sites of Perm and the Perm region. Excursions in Russian and English will provide especially for you

Our excursion partners:


Travel Company “KuMir”

Novoselova Natalya Ivanovna,

additional office "Geography" 8 (34271) 23919,

Password "BIOETHICS"


Travel Company “Bonus-Tur”

Manager Ksenia Andreevna

259-93-89 89655790389

Head Tselousova Tatyana Nikolaevna

8-963-018-22-96 259-25-04 89641902504

Password "BIOETHICS"
Congress organizers
Ideological organizer
Perm, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Perm State Medical University named after Academician E.A. Wagner »Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
614990, Perm, ul. Petropavlovskaya, 26
Phone: +7 (342) 217-20-20, fax (342) 217-20-21
Rector, Professor Koryukina Irina Petrovna
TIN 5902290120 UFK in the Perm Territory (FSBEI HPE named after Academician Wagner of the Ministry of Health of Russia l / s 20566Х43840) p / s 40501810500002000002
Name of the bank: Perm branch
BIC 045773001 KPP590201001
OKPO 01963404 OKATO 57401000000

The responsible TECHNICAL ORGANIZER of the congress on the territory of the Perm Region is the Professional Professional Medical Community of Perm Krai (Chairman of the Board, Professor Karakulova Julia Vladimirovna, e-mail:, tel. 8 912 884 40 07;;, with the support of Soyuz-Project LLC, contact person Olga Selezneva,
+7 (342) 247 78 48, +7 (342) 247-78-47